We’re in the midst of the busy travel season, and I’ve seen countless articles bemoaning the fact that many people, it seems, have forgotten how to behave in airports and on airplanes. Granted, travel hasn’t been what it used to be these past two years. But having respect for other travelers, flight attendants, TSA agents, and others who work to ensure our safety should be second nature – and should be habits we model for our children. So today, I thought I’d share four reminders for gracious airplane etiquette. Share with friends, share with family, and even teach these to young children. It’s never too early to instill respect and graciousness!
Gracious Airplane Etiquette Everyone Should Know
1. Be Kind
A smile or a “thank you” can go a long way to airline staff, TSA agents, and fellow travelers. Greet the flight crew when boarding. Their job often isn’t easy, and even a polite smile goes a long way!
Offer to help others when you can — like helping place someone’s carry-on luggage in the overhead bin, or even giving up your seat to accommodate a family so they can sit together on the plane.
2. Be Considerate
Don’t bring pungent food on the plane, be courteous about reclining your seat, be prepared so you don’t hold up lines, mind unruly children, use headphones, and NEVER prop your feet on or between the seats in front of you. This also should go without saying, but do keep your shoes and socks on, too!
3. Be Respectful
Heeding the rules of the plane shows respect to the flight attendants, pilots, and fellow passengers. A polite tone of voice does as well. Wait your turn when exiting the plane and be sure to leave your seat in an orderly fashion, and don’t cut in line!
4. Be Gracious
Extend grace to the parents of the crying baby, to the flight attendant at the end of a long shift, and to the TSA agents doing their job.
These four simple acts can make a world of difference, I can assure you that! At the end of the day, it all boils down to choosing kindness over convenience, and putting the needs of others over our own at times.
Share any gracious travel tips you have below!