There are some people who are so gifted at what they do, whose calling is so evident, that you can just tell they’re exactly where they’re supposed to be within minutes of meeting them. I can’t think of anyone who personifies that more than Heather MacFadyen! You’ve likely listened to her endless wisdom on her podcast, Don’t Mom Alone, where she encourages women to seek community and to be known through her conversations with experts and mentors. Her podcast has been downloaded over 7 million times and listened to in every country in the world — and she just recently released her book, Right Where You Belong: How to Identify & Fully Occupy Your God-Given Space.
I had the immense privilege of talking with Heather on her podcast about what I’ve long felt to be my calling — to encourage and inspire this generation and the next to be thoughtful and gracious in everything they do and say. I’d love for you to give it a listen!
When a mother of four boys (Heather) gets together to talk with a mother of four girls (me!), you can likely guess that we discussed how to instill gratitude and respect in the next generation, as well as the challenges they’re facing that are unlike anything we navigated when we were growing up. Things like social media, the digital draw, friendships, basic manners. As you can imagine, we had a lot to say on these topics!
We opened our teen and tween boys’ manners e-course — A Young Man’s Guide to Manners – for a limited time to coincide with the podcast. Now is the perfect time to register your son, ahead of summer so he can watch on the weekend or a lazy summer day. And I have a promo code for you: Get 20% off with code DONTMOMALONE at checkout!
Once you’ve listened to our conversation on Don’t Mom Alone, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Feedback from readers is one of my favorite things and I’ve loved the conversations I’ve been able to have with you throughout the years.
And be sure to grab a copy of Heather’s new book — Right Where You Belong: How to Identify & Fully Occupy Your God-Given Space — perfect to take with you on vacation, read on the weekend, or gift to a friend!