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When it comes to conjuring up a romantic gift for your girl, a lot of us are left scratching our heads. It can be hard to come up with something she loves, especially if she seems to have everything she wants already. And although it is indeed the thought that counts, you’d still want to get something she will like and remember for years to come.
That’s where we come in to help. Gift Something Hong Kong’s gifting experts have got the most interesting ideas for you to gift your beloved this Valentine’s Day. Follow our guide for inspiration and check out our gift suggestions to find out more.
Types of romance gifts for your girl this Valentine’s Day
The idea behind finding the perfect gift for your partner – be it on Valentine’s Day as a romantic gift, a birthday gift or an anniversary gift – is that it should be a thoughtful gift. The rule of thumb is that it can be a sweet and romantic gift, but also a practical one. Gimmicky gifts that are just useful for Valentine’s day have little use throughout the year and will quickly find its way to the bottom of the drawer. Your average coffee mug or t-shirts are hardly romantic gift ideas and may even make its journey straight to the bin.
However, all hope is not lost. Once you put some thought into her gift and think about what she truly needs, the idea will come to you. You may think about her interest as well as past date night ideas and the things that are important in her life. Consider why those things are important to her and work from there.
For some girls, a romantic night with roses, chocolates and teddy bears are ideal. For others, relaxing after a long day of work is greatly prioritised. If winding down, looking after herself and pampering means a lot to her, purchase some beauty products she can use to give her a relaxing night. When it comes to gifting what she likes, the sky’s the limit.
The most romantic gifts to give this Valentine’s Day
1. TEAM CHOCOLATE (Price: HK$799.00): A romantic and delicious chocolate Sydney Smash cake with sweet delights in the shape of a heart for the girl? Yes, please! This amazing 8” cake is filled with 3kg of tasty lollies and is guaranteed to melt your lover’s heart. It even comes with a rolling pin to smash and smoosh the cake just the way she likes it! Aesthetically pleasing and fantastic for relieving stress, this is undoubtedly the best gift for Valentine’s Day.
2. CASTELBEL PORTUS CALE NOBLE RED CANDLE (Price: HK$448.00): If curling up together on the sofa and enjoying a good movie or staying in and having pampering session sounds like the perfect day for your girlfriend, this hand-poured candle is the best. The sweet and sensual fragrance of peony, cedar and rose will create a cosy, relaxing atmosphere, ideal for spending the night in. This candle is also cleverly designed and beautifully packaged, making it a gorgeous gift to give on Valentine’s Day.

3. NORFOLK NATURAL LIVING GEMSTONE DIFFUSER SET (Price: HK$579.00): Relieve any stress or tension with this unique essential oil diffuser. It combines natural hand-blended essential oils with a precious gemstone that acts as an antioxidant.