Last updated: November 18, 2022
Christmas is swiftly approaching, and these Santa letter templates to & from Santa are a great way to kick off your holiday celebrations with your kids. In your child’s letters to Santa, they can let him know what they want for Christmas. And for many kids, receiving a letter in return is the perfect seasonal surprise.

Children generally believe in Santa between three and six years old while they’re more likely to naturally engage in magical thinking. There’s nothing wrong with this belief if you enjoy playing along with them. After a few years, their belief in Santa often wanes, as they gain the skills to reason the impossibility of Santa for themselves.
Writing letters to and from Santa is a fun way for your child to practice their reading and writing skills. It goes hand in hand with baking cookies to prepare for Santa’s visit. These are both great bonding activities that also help to cultivate life skills, such as following instructions and attention to detail.
These cute and fun printable letters and templates are child-focused to help write letters to Santa, while also offering options for you to return letters from Santa.
Scroll the page to browse all the Santa letter templates, or use the links below to jump to a section.
Letter From Santa |
Letter To Santa
Letters From Santa Templates
We have three different letters from Santa to choose from. These printables are for personal, non-commercial use only.
When Children send letters to the North Pole, they’re often hoping that Santa will hear their wishes. They’ll be delighted when, in return, they receive a letter from Santa and his elves. Each letter from Santa template shares his joy and generosity throughout the Christmas season. Not to mention, for all the good boys and girls on the nice list, this is an excellent opportunity to congratulate your child on their deeds and accomplishments throughout the year.
1. Santa’s Airmail Letter Template
The theme of this letter is how Santa and your parents are proud of you. A letter from Santa is a wonderful opportunity to praise your child for their good behavior and the things you’re proud of.

Letter text:
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Dear [child’s name]Mrs. Claus and I were so happy to see your name on my nice list this year!
Your parents have let me know how proud of you they are. I’ve heard that you’ve been kind and generous. You’re a good friend to your buddies, and you’ve been thoughtful and focused in school while helping your parents out at home. I’m delighted to see what a good person you’re growing up to be.
Everyone agrees that you should get something extra special this year for all your accomplishments. Right now, while you’re reading this, my elves are working away in their workshop. Soon we’ll pack the sleigh and set out for our Christmas journey around the world!
May your holiday be full of Christmas joy, and I can’t wait until you see what I have for you.
Your friend,
Santa ClausP.S. Don’t forget to hang your stockings and get to bed early on Christmas Eve!
2. Santa’s Reindeer Letter Template
A letter from Santa is a powerful way of spreading Christmas cheer. Get your kids involved in holiday traditions that celebrate the magic of the season.

Letter text:
Dearest [child’s name],
As Christmas Eve approaches the North Pole, there is so much snow here covering everything. The elves have to sled along Snowman Row between their workshop buildings, where they have been wrapping presents. Mrs. Claus leads everyone in singing carols, and she brings us hot cocoa while we work.
We’ve been celebrating the holidays with cookies, marking off each day on the calendar. Which reminds me! Rudolph’s nose is getting brighter every day! I can’t wait to set off on my great adventure. My sleigh is almost all packed with gifts for good boys and girls around the world.
While making my list and checking it twice, I noticed your name! I’m overjoyed to deliver presents in just a few days. I hope you like it!
Merry Christmas!
Santa Claus
3. Santa Letter Thanking Child for Their Letter
Letter-writing skills reinforce communication and courtesy at an early age. Receiving a thank you letter from Santa is a great way to teach the value of a thank you note. Your child can even use it as a model to write their own thank you notes in gratitude for their Christmas presents.

Letter text:
Dear [child’s name],
The entire North Pole workshop was overjoyed to receive your letter. It gave my elves and me a delighted chuckle. I have been packing my sleigh and preparing for my long journey to deliver gifts all around the world.
This is my favorite time of year when I get to hear from children like you. My elves have told me how good you’ve been, and I have some of my favorite surprises in store just for you.
So be sure to help your family get everything ready for Christmas this year, whether you like to bake cookies, or decorate the tree for when I put the gifts below it. May this Christmas light up your holiday just as much as you light up your parents’ world.
Ho ho ho!
Santa ClausP.S. Save an extra cookie for me.
Letters To Santa Templates
Writing letters to Santa helps kids to develop their writing skills, while they also get to enjoy a Christmas tradition just for them. The letter-writing process offers parents a handy moment to talk to their kids about what’s on their wishlist and reasonable expectations as well. The Santa letter templates give children blanks to fill in, as they learn to write.
Classic Letter to Santa Template
This classic letter to Santa template is perfect for helping young children to send their Christmas wishes to the North Pole. It has a simple fill-in-the-blank format. You can even print out a few to help your child practice their handwriting and spelling.
Letter text:
Dear Santa!
My name is ___________
I am ___________ years old.
I live in ___________ .
This year I have been (circle one): nice / naughty
Thank you for the presents you brought me last year!
This year I would like to have:
______________________________Merry Christmas!
Love, your friend,
Guided Letter to Santa Template
This guided letter to Santa template allows Children who are a little older to engage with what Christmas and the holiday season means to them. It’s great for parents who wish to avoid impossible or overwhelming wish lists for Santa, while still demonstrating the basic forms of letter-writing. Your kids can also have fun coloring in the pictures.
Letter text:
Dear Santa,
How are you doing?
My name is ___________ , and I am ___________ years old.
I live in ___________ , which is very far from your home in the North Pole. Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. My family has been preparing for your visit by ______________________ .This year, I have been (circle one): very nice / naughty (I’m sorry!)
Some of the nice things I’ve done for my friends and family are:
__________________________________________________My biggest Christmas wish is to get a __________________.
I also need __________________.
I’d like to wear __________________ .
Also, I’d like to read __________________ this year.I enjoy snacking on __________________ these days, and I’ll be leaving you a plate by the tree for your arrival. I hope they’ll give you lots of energy as you drop off gifts to the other nice kids out there.
Merry Christmas!
Your friend,
More Christmas Activities
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