I’m a romantic at heart. So I love it when my husband surprises me with a fun night out or leaves a thoughtful note for me before a business trip. But romance goes both ways, so today’s post is for the ladies! This may be the perfect little push to come up with ideas for romantic things for your husband. Something fun and unexpected!
And the best part is that many of these ideas are so easy to do but can mean so much!
1. Stick a Post-It “love” note in his wallet.
He’ll see it sometime during the day and smile!
2. Look him in the eye and give him a sincere compliment.
When is the last time you told him he looked handsome?
3. Surprise him with his favorite meal or favorite dessert!
Food = love!
4. Sneak him a kiss before he leaves for work.
He’ll be sure to have a pep in his step the rest of the morning!
5. Write him a love letter.
Take the time to write down all the things you love about him. The things that made you fall in love with him at first and the things that you adore now.
6. Send him a flirty text.
A few emoji kisses or hearts can go a long way!
7. Buy him a thoughtful gift.
Remember, gift giving is a love language!
8. Ask him on a lunch date or to meet you at home for lunch.
Make him lunch and maybe sneak in a few more kisses!
9. Plan a date night doing something he’d love.
Think a sporting event, a lecture series, the shooting range, or maybe Top Golf! We have some great experience gift ideas here.
10. Wear pretty lingerie when he leasts expects it.
Did you browse our annual Be Lovely at Night post? It features beautiful pajamas and lingerie!