As we approach Independence Day and make plans to watch fireworks, attend parades, and celebrate with friends and family, I thought it would a good time to touch on ways to teach American history and patriotism at home to our children — young ones and older children alike. It’s wonderful when they’re able to learn […]
We love our classic toys here at DoSayGive (and have a whole gift guide dedicated to them!), but I’ve been getting a lot of questions from readers wanting to know what our picks are for the very best toys this season. The new “hot” toys, the ones that will get big smiles on Christmas morning, […]
We all know where to get cute party supplies (hello, Etsy!) and even the supplies that we need last-minute (hi, Amazon!), but sometimes we just need an idea to get us started. I have hosted and attended LOTS of birthday parties over the years so thought I would round up my favorite children’s birthday party […]