We love our classic toys here at DoSayGive (and have a whole gift guide dedicated to them!), but I’ve been getting a lot of questions from readers wanting to know what our picks are for the very best toys this season. The new “hot” toys, the ones that will get big smiles on Christmas morning, the toys that have a high sell out risk — that’s what I wanted to share a preview of our gift guide picks today! And I don’t know if you feel the same way, but it finally seems like I can take a deep breath and return to some sense of normalcy this holiday season. Which means I’m doing a lot of my holiday shopping even earlier so I don’t miss out on the popular, top-selling items!
Below you’ll find toy picks I think will be some the biggest sellers for children this year! And if you’ve got a kiddo or two on your list, don’t wait to purchase something you think they’ll like. Many of these items have already sold out! Shop by simply clicking on the photo!
And if you’re looking to get even more Christmas shopping done early, then be sure to sign up for our email list — our 2022 Holiday Gift Guide goes live next week, and email subscribers get early access! Sign up HERE!
Wrapping Paper: Pearly Gates Design and Roseanne Beck.
Photo: Sarah Blaze Photography